martes, 18 de septiembre de 2012

9th World Congress on Design and Health: call for papers

Se ha abierto el plazo de presentación de ponencias para el próximo congreso sobre Salud y Diseño que se tendrá en Brisbane en Australia en Julio de 2013. 

Las áreas temáticas a las que se puede contribuir son las siguientes:
• The salutogenic hospital: The role of the hospital in health promotion
• Case studies of successful healthy built environments
• Salutogenic design for healthy communities and urban planning
• Improving health by design for indigenous communities
• Wellness centres to promote individual, family and community health
• Innovation in procurement and delivery: evolving partnership models
• Indoor environmental quality that improves health and well-being
• Design for healthy lifestyle to prevent non-communicable diseases
• Design innovation in e-health and medical technology

Aquí el link de la convocatoria y el congreso.

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